
Gomez Cruzado Crianza 2022


VINEYARDS 75% Tempranillo from vineyards in the foothills of the Cantabria range and 25% Garnacha from the Upper Najerilla (Badarán).
HARVEST: Grapes were handpicked in 200 kg crates and then hand sorted at the winery.
WINEMAKING: 3 days of prefermentative maceration at low tempera- ture, with daily remontages and delestages during its temperature controlled fermentation. Followed by fermentation in cone shaped temperature controlled stainless steel vats. 12 months in French and American oak barriques.
SOIL: The twoo soils we work with represented in the grapes used to elaborate this Crianza. The sandstone-clay and ferrous-clay soils.
CLIMATIC YEAR: In general, 2020 was a cool and rainy year. It started with a very early bud break and the numerous spring rains resulted in fungal diseases (especially mildew) that impacted the harvest heavily. Beyond this, there were the obvious complications from the COVID-19 pandemic, which above all else, quali!es this year as “historic.” After a warm summer, the moderate temperatures in September gave rise to a very balanced character to the wine, with ideal alcohol content, great aromatic intensity and excellent freshness. 2020 was a year with optimal sanitary conditions.